Extension Tag: hdl

Found 24 VS Code extensions tagged with "hdl".

hdl related extensions

DSim Desktop 0.13.1 Extension for Visual Studio Code

DSim Desktop 0.13.1 VSIX File New!

Updated: June 27, 2024
Commercial grade SystemVerilog/Verilog and VHDL simulation, onprem and in the cloud....
Linty HDL Designer 3.1.1 Extension for Visual Studio Code

Linty HDL Designer 3.1.1 VSIX File New!

Updated: May 21, 2024
Smash VHDL and Verilog/SystemVerilog bugs on the fly!...
Preqorsor 0.42.34 Extension for Visual Studio Code

Preqorsor 0.42.34 VSIX File

Updated: July 1, 2024
Co-pilot for chip designers...
RapidGPT 1.38.0 Extension for Visual Studio Code

RapidGPT 1.38.0 VSIX File

Updated: March 14, 2024
RapidGPT is the industry’s first AI-based pair-designer tailored for hardware engineers....
Bluespec 1.1.5 Extension for Visual Studio Code

Bluespec 1.1.5 VSIX File

Updated: February 6, 2024
High-quality syntax highlighting for the Bluespec SystemVerilog hardware design language...
VHDL Stargazer 1.1.0 Extension for Visual Studio Code

VHDL Stargazer 1.1.0 VSIX File New!

Updated: October 20, 2022
VHDL Language Support...
Nand2Tetris IDE 0.1.3 Extension for Visual Studio Code

Nand2Tetris IDE 0.1.3 VSIX File New!

Updated: February 1, 2022
A VSCode extension for Nand2Tetris development....
Sukharev Nand2Tetris Tools 1.1.6 Extension for Visual Studio Code

Sukharev Nand2Tetris Tools 1.1.6 VSIX File New!

Updated: November 19, 2021
A Tools Set for the Open Course Nand2Tetris....
Firrtl 0.0.1 Extension for Visual Studio Code

Firrtl 0.0.1 VSIX File

Updated: March 23, 2021
Syntax Highlighting and more for Firrtl (Flexible Internal Representation for RTL)...
Nand2Tetris 0.5.0 Extension for Visual Studio Code

Nand2Tetris 0.5.0 VSIX File

Updated: February 1, 2022
Supports snippets and linting for Nand2Tetris Courses,Snippets nand2tetris hdl, tst, cmp and asm files, lanuage support and syntax-highlighting for hdl, tst, cmp, asm and out files...
